今回のリポートでは、本学専任教員Timothy Gould先生が担当する授業の様子を紹介します。紹介する授業は、2年次生が履修する「ゼミナール II」(Seminar IIと表記)、1年次生科目「プレゼミナール」(Pre-seminar)、専門科目「第二言語習得」(Second Language Acquisition)、及び「必修英語 II」(English II)です。「ゼミナールII」で学生達が取り組む論文のテーマを初めとして、異なる科目で学生達がどのような課題に取り組んでいるのか、紹介します。
As the 2016 academic year comes to an end, my Seminar II students are working very hard on completing their seminar theses. Each student’s report is based on an issue or theme in American culture that they have chosen based on their own interests. The report is an expansion and continuation of a presentation they completed at the mid-point of the semester. Some example topics are: Gated communities in the US, The American presidential election process, life for families of American soldiers, identity and immigrants in the US, women in the military, and others. Additionally, my seminar students just completed their final writing about some American short stories. Writing about the stories gives them practice in analyzing literature, and they pay special attention to talking about the plot, character, setting, and overall theme and their opinion of the stories they read.
My Pre-seminar students are completing a shorter research paper that is also based on a presentation they did around the middle of the semester. Their papers and presentations are shorter than the ones for Seminar II and focused more on developing the skills they will use when they write their graduation papers next year. In Pre-seminar, we also just completed working on some famous American short stories.
The students in my Second Language Acquisition are currently completing their final project, which is based on their analyses of videos of an English-speaking child learning Japanese. Students in SLA are also preparing for their last test, so during class we are reviewing information we have learned and discussing issues covered in my lectures.
In English II, students have already completed their presentations and are working on completing their independent study assignments and studying for the last test of the class. For independent learning, students are writing summaries of interesting articles and making original sentences to practice new vocabulary from the articles.
Timothy Gould, Associate Professor